Recommender Grants for Theatre Creators

Aluna Theatre offers Recommender Grants for Theatre Creators through the Ontario Arts Council. This means that we accept applications from individual artists (and informal collectives of creators) based in Ontario who are seeking assistance in the development of new work. We recommend between $1000 to $3000 maximum per applicant.
Artists have no commitment to Aluna Theatre under this program – your work remains your own, and there is no obligation to work on it with Aluna. Our choices in making our recommendations, however, are guided by Aluna’s mandate and artistic mission.
To promote and encourage the participation of more artists, especially theatre professionals newly arrived to Canada, we accept applications in both English and Spanish.
NEXT DEADLINE : November 15, 2025 at 1pm
Note: artists must apply through the Ontario Arts Council’s online portal (Nova).
* If you don’t already have a profile set-up on the portal, make sure to do this well in advance of the deadline date * See further submission information below.
- The applicant is a professional artist who has a history of presentation or publication in Canada or abroad
- The work is socially relevant and deals with issues that Aluna Theatre values most such as: human rights, equity, and peace
- Stories from around the world are welcome
- The proposed project may be text and/or performance based
- Proposals are accepted from emerging and/or established artists
- Proposals are accepted from theatre creators who are not necessarily writers but who wish to explore the creation of new work – designers wishing to initiate a work from a design perspective, for example
- Priority is given to work that reflects Canada’s cultural diversity
Complete and submit your application in Nova, the OAC’s online grant application system. Before applying, you must create or update your profile in Nova.
Your application includes:
- basic information about your project
- your answers to the application questions
- name of recommender you are applying to (Aluna Theatre)
- required: a CV, resume or biography
- artistic examples appropriate to your project (script sample, video and/or audio link)
You can find complete instructions and requirements about the Recommender’s program here.
For help creating a profile or submitting an application in Nova, see the Nova User Guide.
Please give yourself enough time to complete your application and submit by 1pm on deadline day. Late applications will not be accepted by the online system.