Sue Balint Wins the 2018 Leonard Mchardy and John Harvey Award

June 1, 2018
Aluna’s Producer Sue Balint was recognized at TAPA’s Dora Awards press conference yesterday with The 2018 Leonard McHardy and John Harvey Award for Outstanding Leadership in Administration.
Sue joined the Aluna team in 2014, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to see her recognized for all the work she does with us, and others in the community.
Congratulations Sue! Here’s the speech she gave at yesterday’s event.
This is really lovely. Thank you.
I first want to acknowledge the late Elizabeth Comper, the founder of this award, who had the foresight – I understand in conversation with Jacoba – of creating an award for administrators. Which is a rare acknowledgement. So I’m very appreciative of that, and to TAPA as well.
And to Mr. McHardy and Mr. Harvey, who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting for the first time this morning. It’s really an honour to receive this award from you, especially when I think of being back in school and taking a bus into Toronto and then spending the entire day at Theatrebooks.
You helped foster my passion for theatre. So, thank you gentlemen.
I really love my job. I like that I work freelance and with that, I work with different communities every day.
My accidental career as a producer and arts manager began with many people who inexplicably trusted me to do something I’d never done before and had no particular training in.
So I want to thank Soheil Parsa and Peter Farbridge at Modern Times Stage Company for giving me my first gig as a producer.
And around the same time, Daryl Cloran, then at Theatrefront. I’ve known Daryl since university and I think the world of him, and I’m really happy that Edmonton has him now, fighting a good fight there.
Of course, Beatriz Pizano and Trevor Schwellnus at Aluna Theatre, both amazing artists who I feel so fortunate to work with every day.
Keith Barker and Isaac Thomas at Native Earth Performing Arts.
I’m grateful to these two companies in particular for their trust in me, and for inviting me into their communities.
Laura Nanni at SummerWorks, and Michael Rubenfeld before her. Thanks to both of them.
And. I also want to recognize the folks at the two venues that I’ve worked most often at in recent years – at the Aki Studio at Native Earth and at The Theatre Centre, where some of the most talented and giving people are working in administration, marketing, box office, front of house and production. They make all the work possible, certainly mine, but they don’t get awards. So I’m giving them a metaphorical bit of this one.
I have 2 minutes. So just one more thing:
I feel like it would be a wasted opportunity if I didn’t say something. Looking around this room, you’re all amazing, and many of you will be recognized with Dora nominations momentarily, but I also recognize the power in this room that we all hold…and I absolutely include myself.
It’s been an important year, but I also want to say that some people’s fights get recognized faster than others. There’s a lot of people knocking at the door asking to come in. We need to open it. We’re the ones who need to allow it.
I’d like to encourage everyone in this room who holds power to use it wisely…and, to give it freely.
If you’ve been in the driver’s seat, I encourage you to consider the passenger seat. The view can be really lovely from there as well, and we owe it to everyone in our community for you to see it.
Thanks again. I really appreciate this recognition.