Tan Vu / ANIVIA Collective
miércoles, 27 de septiembre, 2023
Musical Theatre

Anivia sigue a “El viajero” en su búsqueda por recuperar fragmentos de un espejo roto para armarlo denuevo y verse completo otra vez. Esta muestra de 30 minutos presenta el trayecto de El viajero devuelta a sus raíces por medio de:
- Cinco canciones originales que funden teatro musical occidental y folklore Vietnamita
- El mito Vietnamita de la creación: “Cien reyes – La leyenda del antiguo Vietnam” y otros cuentos folklóricos que buscan explicar el origen y los atributos heroicos de las personas Vietnamitas
- Seis prendas tradicionales hechas por mamá que viajaron 21 horas desde Vietnam a Canadá (y no les afectó el cambio de horario!)
- Una invitación a todos aquellos “viajeros” a conectar, formar comunidades, y construir un hogar
27 de septiembre, 2023 a las 19:30
Los boletos pueden ser adquiridos por medio de la página web de Factory Theatre indicada arriba. Un solo boleto da acceso a todas las presentaciones de esa noche, y están disponibles como paga lo puedas, en la escala de: $15, $30, $60.
The Wanderer / ANIVIA
Tan Vu
Spirit of Emperor Khải Định / ANIMUS
Ryota Kaneko
Spirit of Lady Triệu / ANIMA
Heeyun Park
Fisherman 1 / Pawn Chess Piece
Nam Nguyen
Fisherman 2 / Pawn Chess Piece
Aidan Reimer
Fisherman 3 / King Chess Piece
Alexander Franks
Yuki Fumoto
Mackenzie Langdon
Duy Tran
Steave A. Sidibe
Creator of text / sung melodies & lyrics for songs
Tan Vu
Musical Arranger for «Home»
Vũ Việt Anh
Musical Collaborator / Arranger for other songs
Alice Ping Yee Ho
Movement facilitator for creation
Chase Lo
Traditional Costume Maker
Tạ Thanh Hoa
Vietnamese History & Culture Consultant
Nguyễn Thị Hồng Hạnh
Song Development Consultant
Đào Nhật Quang
Southern Vietnamese Folk Music Expert
Nguyễn Thị Mai Hiền
Northern & Central Vietnamese folk music artist
Lê Thu Hiền
Nam Pham
Music Director
Benjamin Page
Chase Lo
Festival Presentation Dramaturg
Nguyễn Thị Hồng Hạnh
Lead Producer
Tan Vu
Associate Producer
Shane Mai
Production Manager / Stage Manager
Tanvi Vyas
Vietnamese costume maker
Tạ Thanh Hoa
ANIVIA acknowledges the funders and supporters who are vital to ANIVIA’s research, creation, and festival presentation. Without them, this would not be at all possible. ANIVIA’s Public Presentation at CAMINOS 2023 Festival has been supported by The Canada Council for the Arts, The Ontario Arts Council, The Toronto Arts Council, Aluna Theatre, Canadian Stage, and The AFC. ANIVIA’s conceptualization (where it all started) was supported by Buddies In Bad Times Theatre, Cahoots Theatre, MT Space, and Talk Is Free Theatre.
Acerca del Artista
Tan Vu is a Vietnamese-Canadian artist. A Fulbright fellow, Tan performed in theatre and opera in Vietnam before moving to New York to train, under a scholarship, at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. Tan immigrated to Canada in November 2019 and has since worked with Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Cahoots Theatre, City Opera Vancouver, Talk Is Free Theatre, Toronto Operetta Theatre, and others. His upcoming projects include the Canadian Opera Company’s FIDELIO, and Tarragon Theatre’s Greenhouse Festival 2024.
Tan is also a creator of new works that weave together musical theatre and Vietnamese folk music and folk tales, and has received grants from Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council, and Canada Council for the Arts, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre’s 2020 Queer Emerging Artist Award, and Toronto Arts Foundation’s 2021 RBC Newcomer Arts Award. He recently performed his original songs rooted in Vietnamese heritage at the 2023 Asian Heritage Month Concert and Education Roundables, as well as Taste of Vietnam 2023 at Nathan Phillips Square.