

Grupo Teatro Libre

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Daniels Spectrum

20 mins

Catarsis is an interdisciplinary work in progress that leads actors to break the fourth wall and interact with the audience. Together, we enter the universe surrounding an event that is repeated daily in different parts of the world. The objective is for the audience to take on the weight of what the performers are experiencing – for example, existential emptiness, discontent, anger or helplessness.

The exercise is based on the work “La sangre, las venas y el Asfalto” by the Ecuadorian writer Enrique Gil Gilbert.

October 13, 2019 at 2:00 PM


One ticket admits you to all programming throughout the day.

Director / Lighting Design

Luis Rojas


Cecilia Molina


Luis Rojas, Cesar Correa & Oliver Veintimilla


Luis Rojas & Lucero Lara

Stage Manager

Melina Osorio


Alba Agosto, Yenny Varela, Xiud Cancino, Miguel Hernández, Patricia Casas, Cecilia Molina, Oliver Veintimilla, Isela Martínez & Lucero Lara


Patricia Casas

About the artist

Grupo Teatro Libre Toronto was founded in 2008 with the mission of doing theater in Spanish in a collective and participatory manner, representing original creations or Latin American playwrights in their original language, and always promoting solidarity and respect for human rights. In this way, the group seeks to spread the Latin American theater in Toronto and thus be able to reach our community directly. As a grassroots, intergenerational and inclusive group, Grupo Teatro Libre has members from 13 years of age up to 84; and from different countries of Latin America.

Luis Rojas is a multidisciplinary artist who has devoted himself to the movement of Spanish-language theatre in Toronto since 2008. Although largely involved as an actor and director, he has also served as producer and set designer. He is the artistic director of Grupo Teatro Libre, a Toronto based theatre group founded in 2008. He has participated in international festivals like Les Fêtes Internationales du théâtre in Quebec and Panamerican Routes (Aluna Theatre) in Toronto. Since 2013, he has been the artistic director of Casa Maíz Cultural Centre, a multi-purpose Latin American Centre where he runs several projects and programs related to the arts, culture and community. Currently he is the co-director and artistic producer of Dia de los Muertos Collective, a non-profit organization that organizes the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead in Artscape Wychwood Barns. He is also attending OCAD University, majoring in Sculpture and Installation.

Cecilia Molina, an Ecuadorian playwright, writes stories (Cuentos Crueles de mi Ciudad, Los Pueblos tienen… Historias), theatrical works (Los caminos de Amelia, Una Visita Singular, Secretos de Luna Llena, Las Amazonas y Escatología del egoísmo, Yo y Mi Sombra), screenplays (A Donde Van Tus Pasos, Ya Pronto Vienen por Nosotras, Mientras Haya Pan, Hoy el cielo es Mas Azul), and adapted The Lover by Harold Pinter, directed by Javier Barco. She directed the theater group “El Quijote” from 2014 to 2017. She joined Grupo Teatro Libre in 2019.