The Mente
Paula Carreño
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Daniels Spectrum
20 mins

The Mente is a Spanglish play on words for the word “demente”, demented or insane. This piece incorporates the making of boxes as a metaphor to represent the creation of thoughts inside the immigrant’s mind. We see a variety of thoughts being assembled, and also how the performer is affected by them. The ritual takes us through a journey of emotions that digs deeper into the reality of being foreign, torn between cultures, and the lack of – and search for – stability. With the aid of the sounds from a drum, emotions are either intensified or dissipated. The instrument also brings a sense of being grounded, the sound of a heartbeat, and a cultural echo from the writer’s South American roots.
October 10, 2019 at 7:30 PM
One ticket admits you to all programming throughout the evening.
Writer / Director / Performer
Paula Carreño
Misset Parata
About the artist
Paula Carreño, creator of the piece The Mente, was born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia. To add to her earlier drama studies at the Charlot Academy in Bogotá, she studied Performing Arts and Acting for Film and Television at Sheridan and Humber College. Besides acting, Paula has performed and toured Canada as a dancer. She is currently working on projects as a voice actor, writer, and stand-up comedian. Her inspiration is deeply connected to the Indigenous and Afro rooted traditions or her native country, and the works of non-binary artists. Paula gives a warm thank you to Aluna for creating a space for Performers of the Latin American Diaspora.
Misset Parata was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, where she was immersed in a rich culture of Afro-Venezuelan traditions. Her love for music opened the doors to perform for local Venezuelan dance groups. In 2006, after meeting Victoria Mata, MataDanZe founder, she joined the collective, where Misset trained and performed contemporary dance and contact improvisation throughout Canada and Latin American countries. She is currently studying Afro Venezuelan and Latin American Caribbean percussion. She is thrilled and grateful to be part of Aluna’s Caminos as a Percussionist for the piece The Mente by Paula Carreño.