Rocking Futures
Renato Baldin
Thursday, October 21, 2021 – Saturday, October 23, 2021
Factory Theatre
2-4 Testimonials (13 mins each)

‘Rocking Futures’ is a multisensory installation that aims to rescue innate early childhood emotions. When empathy was a natural behaviour, and it was still apart from adult bias that distances us. Even though we are immersed in a culturally diverse world, being affected by a variety of identity expressions, there are some elements capable of unifying us and strengthening our empathic attitude. In this work, I’ll bring new parent’s stories and lullabies from different cultural backgrounds that inhabit Toronto. When sung and heard, these soothing melodies provoke emotions, memories that (re)connect us through human feelings. The experiential art proposes, in some way, to be an affective memories activator, a stimulus for deep reflection, and inspiration for coexistence. I hope these stories and lullabies can rock a better future for all of us.
October 21, 2021 at 1:00 PM
October 23, 2021 at 1:00 PM
Installation Concept / Curation / Storytelling
Renato Baldin
Sound Editor
Ronaldo Miranda
Charissa Wilcox & Rebecca Vandevelde
Special Thanks to
All participants, Beatriz Pizano, Sue Balint & Trevor Schwellnus
About the artist
Renato Baldin was born and raised in Brazil. Since youth engaged in human rights activism. His artwork combines the experience as an architect, museologist and activist, creating interactive art installations to reflect on diversity and coexistence.
Renato was an exhibition designer at museums like MASP, Tomie Ohtake Institute, Museum of Coffee in Brazil, and a few years ago curated and produced the Brazilian version of the art installation “Empathy Museum” from London. Recently moved to Toronto, this is the first artistic residence in Canada.