Conversatorio: The Other Side of Reality: Realism vs. Diversity in Canadian Theatre
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Ada Slaight Hall
150 minutes

Modern Times Stage Company presents this Conversatorio session which will bring professional artists and the general public together to talk about creating theatre in a globalized world. This inclusive event prioritizes persons of colour, racialized, Indigenous, and LGBTQ2S communities, among others. The discussion will be centred on exchanging practices and stories between artists from different countries and/or cultural frameworks. More specifically, we will discuss the question: Is realism a colonial form of theatre that limits our ability to represent different cultures on the stage?
The session will take the form of a meta-theatre process of collective intelligence, in which the format of the meeting becomes its own exploration of how to share stories and experiences in an artistic process. A facilitator will lead participants through a structured conversation designed to create contact and empathy, with the goal to synthesize a tangible collection of creative visions. “The Other Side of Reality: Reality vs. Diversity in Canadian Theatre ” is an activity within Modern Times’ Postmarginal project. Read more:
Conversatorio sessions are free and open to everyone. No pre-registration required.
October 6, 2018 at 4:00 PM