Film: #OcupaMInCRJ
Juan Pablo Pinto Mendoza
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Ada Slaight Hall
30 minutes

#OcupaMInCRJ explores the process of collective living and the formations of the new politics of collaborative artistic resistance. The short documentary film provides an intimate look into the 111 days during which artists, activists, members of the cultural community came together to occupy the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture in Rio de Janeiro, in an act of resistance against the 2016 soft coup in Brazil. Drawing on participants’ testimonies, documentation of the events by the movement’s communication team and collaborators, as well as archival medial footage, #OcupaMInCRJ immerses the audience into a life changing movement striving towards an alternative view of social democracy.
This is a free event.
October 14, 2018 at 3:15 PM
Creator / Director
Juan Pablo Pinto Mendoza
About the artist
Juan Pablo Pinto Mendoza is a digital storyteller who utilizes photography and film as his primary narrative form. Born in Colombia, Juan Pablo immigrated to Canada at the age of 19. He is currently completing his PhD in Social Anthropology at York University. Pinto Mendoza draws on his experience as an immigrant as well as his academic background to explore identity, culture, memory and discourse. He enjoys using poetic and experimental approaches as well as magical realism to fulfill his artistic vision. Pinto Mendoza aspires to challenge his audience to question notions of nationhood and belonging in their everyday interactions.