Camino a Casa | Way Home
Ximena Berecochea
Friday, September 27, 2024
Factory Theatre – open gallery – 125 Bathurst St.
6:30 – 9pm

Way Home continues photographer Ximena Berecochea’s reflection on how we connect with our surroundings and others, now influenced by her experience as a Mexican living in Canada since 2007. It is part of a three-year project called Difference, where she explores displacement, geographic mobility, and how we perceive and are perceived. Ximena delves into the experience of those who have left their homes, focusing on the dislocated perspective of the immigrant, the concept of belonging, and the duality it involves—relating to both the place left behind and the new space where we build a new story.
This free and open exhibition takes place in the Factory Theatre entrance lobby during open hours.
September 27, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Gallery open throughout festival
About the artist
Ximena Berecochea is a photo-based artist with a Ph.D. in Literature from the University of Toronto. She is part of the SNCA (National System of Art Creators) by FONCA-CONACULTA, Mexico, and was a grant holder of the Ontario Arts Council (Visual Arts 2021-2022).
Her artwork has been shown in solo, group-curated, and juried international exhibitions in Canada, the US, Spain, Mexico, and China. She has also published her work internationally. Her photography is part of the Walter Phillips Collection (Banff Centre, Canada), the Fototeca Nacional (INAH, Mexico), the Del Carmen Museum (Mexico), and independent collections in Spain, Mexico, Canada, and the US.
Beneficiario del Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte 2021-2024 del Sistema de Apoyos a la Creación y Proyectos Culturales (SACPC).