
Meeting Playce

August 7, 2003 – August 17, 2003

Factory Theatre Mainspace

Daily life at Queen and Bathurst (or is it Bay and Adelaide?) collides with literature and “Reality TV” in this acoustically rich theatrical essay. Is a cellphone conversation any less valid if there’s no one on the other end of the line? How do we feel fear in the big new global city? Is there such a thing as “local” anymore? Through live mixing of layered soundscapes, imagistic movement, and text based on the works of Julio Cortazar, Italo Calvino, Marshall McLuhan, and Naomi Klein, meeting playce explores these and other questions.

Script / Design

Trevor Schwellnus

Direction / Dramaturgy

Beatriz Pizano

Sound Design

Justin Roddy


Allison Rees-Cummings

Stage Management

Lissa Bobrow

Performed by

Allison Rees-Cummings

Kevin Rees-Cummings

Tressa Levasseur

Yashoda Ranganathan

Lorraine Pelletier